Author: lkjhgf

Mobile Tutorial 2 4

Mobile Tutorial 2

Out of the mobile wireless communication the thing of concern with us is the cellular communication.

Mobile Tutorial 1 2

Mobile Tutorial 1

MObile communication is the wireless communication as there is no direct wire associated with the communication and the name mobile suggest movable.

Mobile Tutorial 0

Mobile Tutorial

The blog written by UWON helps me to think on the section of the mobile and i will try to devote my attention to give regular tutorials on the mobile right from the origin of the mobile to todays gene

Holi Special 0

Holi Special

Holi (also called Holaka or Phagwa) is festival of colors celebrated on the day after the full moon in the Hindu month of Phalguna.The festival’s preamble begins on the night of the full moon with the

Do this b4 u go to play the HOLI 2

Do this b4 u go to play the HOLI

Holi as everyone know is the festival of color. All the people plays with the joy whether the person is Amar , Akbar or Anthony. In holi there is no discrimintion between the holi.

U Smoke & Ur Company will cough 5

U Smoke & Ur Company will cough

Everyone know about the health hazards of the smoking as I have also given the details of it with the figures in my previous blogs. Cigarretes are literally the “Killers that travel in the pack”.

Clean up the city with Sheriff 6

Clean up the city with Sheriff

Few months back Indu Shahani was appointed as Mumbai’s sheriff. She is the HR college’s principal.